Saturday 29 October 2011

Today, after the sport day at school, i go to cut my hair. Although i cut my hair, but i still look the same as my old self.......

Saturday 8 October 2011

Funfair at School~

Yesterday, our school had a funfair. Me, Vivian, Samantha & Triss were in a group. We sell jelly & pudding that my & Vivian's mother prepared. At first, i was afraid that we won't sell finish the food coz nobody want to buy them. But, slowly, some of our friends and relatives came & buy it from us. Then, the business get better & better......
We were happy that we can do business for the first time.

Sunday 4 September 2011

~Home Sweet Home~

Yesterday i just came back from Sabah. I had so much fun there. I bought many gives for many friends at school and the friends at tuition. The air there is fresh, not like the air at KL.(if u know wat i mean) But, its nice to be home because i cannot sleep well at the apartment there. When we go there, we plan to go many places. But some of the places were close because of the Hari Raya celebration. Oh yeah, i almost forgot, although is late but HAPPY HARI RAYA to everyone!!

Sunday 14 August 2011

PAIN !!!

Yesterday, me & my sister had a sleepover at my aunt house. When we reach her house, we all get down from the car. But when i slam the door, i accidentely put my finger at the side of the door. Now, my finger is *blueblack*. (ouch!)

Friday 12 August 2011

That night at School~

Yesterday night, i went to my school with my friend--Toh Hiu Ching. We went there becoz there's a performance of our school band & a band came from Taiwan.......
Besides that, we kept sending songs to each other. I send 36 songs to one of my friends. OMG! There's so many songs, we send until half an hour arh!!!

Sunday 7 August 2011


Sometimes, i think that blogs are like diary, coz we post everything about our live~
This is just like Diary of a Wimpy Kid.......
I'm a fan of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, i read all the books~
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - diary-of-a-wimpy-kid iconThe first book~

Boring Day at Home~

Today is a rainy day, so my dad didn't bring us out.....
Damn so boring arh......i stay home doing my revision coz my dad say "UPSR is near, u must do ur revision to get 7A in UPSR, then it will be easy for u to find a job next time........"
I don't get it, i haven go to secondary school then he says about my jobs.......
Anyway, i wish every standard 6's student will get full A in UPSR~~